The East Bull property hosts a possible extension of the Folson Intrusive block, part of the EBLI. Total magnetic intensity of regional OGS surveys indicate a northwest extension to the EBLI onto Marvel’s ground. The Pecors Anomaly located to the west of the Marvel Discovery ground has been long recognized as a large 25km long by 6km wide magnetic anomaly lying beneath Huronian Supergroup sediment cover. Drilling by International Montoro (now Power One Resources) has confirmed that part of the Pecors Anomaly is at least partially attributable to rocks of a gabbroic affinity as drilling in 2015 intersected 0.224 gpt Pt+Pd+Au over 22.45m beneath the overlying sediments. A regional magnetic feature between the Pecors Anomaly and the EBLI to the east may suggest these two mafic intrusive suites are connected. This connector and the southeast extension of the Pecors Anomaly is hosted within the Marvel Discovery claims
Location of the Marvel Discovery claim acquisition relative to the Pecors Anomaly and the East Bull Lake Intrusive. Magnetic intensity sourced from OGS.
The East Bull Lake Intrusive (EBLI) is part of the palladium-rich mafic intrusive East Bull Suite that occurs in the Sudbury region. It is host to the New Age Metals River Valley deposit hosting Measured and Indicated resources of 99Mt of 0.90 gpt Pd_Eq and an additional Inferred resource of 53Mt grading 0.63 gpt Pd_Eq located east of Sudbury, Ontario ( West of Sudbury, the East Bull Lake Intrusive hosts the drilling efforts by Grid Metals Corp, which announced 77m grading 0.81 gpt Pd_Eq from EBL20-13 (Grid Metals press release dated April 9, 2021). Further adding to the palladium endowment of the EBLI is Canadian Palladiums project which hosts a compliant resource of 11.1Mt grading 1.46 gpt Pd-Eq
Marvel Discovery Corp.
3310 S Service Rd. Suite 200
Burlington, ON
Canada, L7N 3M6
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